
Without a Box?

"Plan your work and work your plan"
~ Vince Lombardi

So I'm "box-less" for the next three weeks. Kinda sucks but that's part of moving, traveling, and life in general. Needless to say most Crossfitter's aren't quitters. So I'll try to describe the solution to my current problem to non-crossfitters that may read this. This basically focuses on improving my weaknesses. Maybe it will help you make improvements in your routine as well.

"Accept challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory" 
~ Patton
Basically, there are two ways to look at being without a box:
1) Fix the problem - I'm not about to roll over and simply accept the problem, take a few weeks off, and get back into the swing of things at a later date. I hope you dont if you ever find yourself in this situation either. Besides, we all know how that mindset goes: "I'll do it tomorrow," tomorrow comes, and before you know it tomorrow becomes next week, next week next month, etc......address the issue now. I've been crossfitting on my own since returning to Europe. It's not as cool as going to a box and knowing everyone. There is no community when you WOD on you own. I miss that, but at the end of the day It's all about bettering ourselves.
2) Don't fix the problem - Be lazy, inactive, and feel like crap.

If you plan to WOD on the road you should carry the following when traveling (at minimum): A jumprope, lacrosse ball, 65# resistance band, AbMat and gymnastics rings. Oh, and a kettle bell if your driving somewhere. You can do a grip of WOD's if you have that gear, which probably tally's up to less than $200. Finding a place to run costs nothing, same applies to ledges for box jumps, stairs, and there's likely a park around with a good pull-up bar. Think of the possibilities!
So you've got all the equipment, what to do with it? Rather than go into detail I'll give you a screen shot of what I've programmed for myself the coming month.

Address your weaknesses! Mine are double unders, Oly lifts, and HSPU's. Force yourself to do them! I need to mention that the Olympic lifts, (and other lifts) aren't going to be done with a bar & plate set. I'm gonna perfect my technique with a PVC pipe and a gopro (for analysis) until I get it down flawless. Boxes are awesome, but being away from one helps you focus on what you suck at. Go check out sitegonebad.com and watch some clips on how to improve. Youtube is a great tool!

Technique --->Consistency--->Intensity!

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